Sunday, April 19, 2009

Teka Warehouse Sale 09

I forced hubby to wake up early to go to the Teka Warehouse Sale since it was so near his place. When we got there, got a very pleasant surprise. There were display sets that were going for less than half price. Even brand new items were at 25% off. We went back, got hubby's mum to come along and advise us. Decided to buy a chimney glass hood for $2XX, a hob for $2XX, and a fantastic ‘glass look’ oven at $8XX that both of us love. We defintely didn't expect our house to have Teka appliances since we are on a strict budget.

Tip of the day:
1) Once your contractor starts to nag at you to buy stuff for the home, start waking up early on Saturdays to read The Straits Times.

2) Check for the opening time of the warehouse sales (Be selective! A lot of these sales are bogus. They are either those places that are permanently on sales all year round, all those that did not really have anything decent to offer) make sure you reach there early!

3) Early birds = can buy display sets at more than 50% discount!

Check out what we bought!!

Normal Price: $1100+, we bought at $8XX
(Display set was sold, so we bought a new set!)

Normal Price: $500+, we bought at $2XX
(Display set, but NEW! Still wrapped up!)

Normal Price: $500+, we bought at $2XX
(Display set, some minor scratches. Not obvious)
Thanks to hubby's mum, the expert of Kitchen stuffs. We have gotten the above gifts sponsored by her !

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