Thursday, June 11, 2009

Enormous Gratitude ... no other way of saying thanks ...

I have been so busy with work lately that I threw the responsibility of updating this blog solely to Mr 黑 . Originally wanted to go to the PC Show today with Mr 黑 just to browse around for bargains for TVs. Two good friends, Ms T and Ms G from Secondary School grabbed the chance to buy a present for our new nest. Don't think I can express well enough to them how grateful I felt, so can only make use of this opportunity ... Thanks for the TV. I really really love it!

Presenting to you our LG 42" LCD TV - LF20FR sponsored by Ms Tng & Ms Goh - bought at $1xxx (Pretty good deal from original price. But think I drained off alot of $$ from them ...)

Presenting to you also our bedroom LG 32" LCD TV - LH20R sponsored by Ms PMY - bought at $5xx (using the $ in the Fevo card she gave us)

& We still got $100 NTUC vouchers from all this .............. I am really really really lucky to have friends who are so generous towards me .................. Thanks again gals, Ms T & Ms G !!! Yah, I will start saving up now for your weddings! Ms T hopes to have an Osim massage chair, while Ms G wants a TV as well ! I know what to do :P I have gotten both ya hints!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I just happen to read ya blog. I also bought the LG 42 LF20FR. I bought it at 1099 with 50 dollars NTUC voucher. Can I ask what price you bought at?

Hope to see your reply to my email,